Thursday, May 18, 2006

Sharks, Bigguns too

Ummm where'd the Tarpon go? We were on the water by 6:00pm heading to Gandy for more Tarpon. BUT. Instead we about got yanked into the water by a couple big predators. The first one we landed(pulled to the side of the boat) had to be about 140lbs and about 6ft. long, Mean and Strong as a Train. This Black Tip's initial Run about spooled our 100lb line and pulled so hard it about yanked the guy on the pole in the water. Once we got him up, 45 minutes later, we took a few pics and released him. The next one was a bit smaller but same story. After these two fights we figured since No one has taken us up on the "Work 2 days Fish 5" work weel had better pull anchor and head to the house.

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